Wind can be powerful. Even if you do not live near the ocean or plains, it can cause damage to your home. 
The roof is highly susceptible to such damage. In a flash, your roof shingles may no longer be present. You may even see the roof lift off the structure. This type of damage is very destructive. It is also very costly. Your home insurance may help cover some of this damage.
Unpreventable Damage
Home insurance covers unpreventable damage. A windstorm or thunderstorm involving wind is not something you can prevent. As a result, most of the time, wind damage has coverage. This means your home insurance company will pay for repairs. If the repairs are too extensive, the insurer may pay to replace the roof.
Most storm-related damage falls into this insurance process. However, there are some exceptions.
Wear and Tear
Perhaps your 30-year old roof has a few holes. It may have missing shingles. It may leak. These are types of damage not covered by home insurance. But, what happens if you have this damage and a storm comes through? Do you have coverage?
The answer depends on the significance of the damage to the roof at the time of the incident. If no other property owners suffered damage, it may be that your roof was too weak from poor maintenance. If the insurer can verify you did not properly maintain the roof, this can work against you. They might have grounds to dismiss your claim.
What to Do With Damage
It is very important to document what happens when it happens. For example, your policy may give you a year to report claims from a storm. Sometimes, this may be less. It'll help better guarantee your right to claim certain roof damage on the home.
If you have damage to your roof, take action. Contact your home insurance agent first. Be sure to document what happened. Take photos. Your agent will come to your home. He or she will take photos. Then, the agent will determine the cause of the damage. He or she will determine if repairs or replacement are necessary. Then, it will be necessary to consider the amount of coverage you have.
Home insurance can help after a wind storm. Even if you have preexisting damage, call your agent at 844.926.0860. This individual will provide you with frank, upfront information about your policy. Learn how much coverage you have. Discuss what your options might be. Be sure to keep your agent up to date on roof conditions. Don’t forget to undertake maintenance on the roof as necessary.
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